quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2012

A repercussão do anúncio da Williams

A repercussão do anúncio do Bottas no lugar do Bruno não foi das melhores... No próprio face da equipe, são inúmeros os comentários contrários a troca da dupla de pilotos. Deixo alguns desses comentários, logo abaixo:

"What a stupid mistake, just shows how much influence Toto Wolff has at Williams rather than Frank! I bet now they're going to lose a lot of fan support and hopefully end up like HRT! :)"

"Wonder if Crashtor Maldonado is bringing some more Venezuelan oil money to the table so he can drive next season"

"So will Bottas be obligated to give up 15 FP1s to the new reserve driver as well?"

"The money speeks louder."

"So the guy who's more constant gets no seat but the guy who causes more crashes than finishes gets a seat just cause he won a race"

"Signing a GP3 driver? What next? The guy must have deep pockets..."

"Why senna is out...Omg guys....maldonado is not so good....senna is way better ):"

"it obviously is all about how much cash you bring along. Hope to see Bruno in a decent car for 2013 and sure hope he beats both williams drivers as much as possible ! And willams.. you just lost another "

"Why not Bruno? What a stupid decision of Williams!"

"very dissapointed for Bruno handicapped by the team right from the start and managed to beat pastor on many occasions."

"should have kept SENNA!!!"


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